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HomeFeaturesTGIF: The Jan. 9, 2015 Edition

TGIF: The Jan. 9, 2015 Edition

TGIF: the Sno-Pacer of the sno-mo-biz

I’m thankful for the DIY kit projects I read about in Popular Mechanics.

I’m thankful that people* are finally starting to take the Pacer more seriously.

I’m thankful for the luxurious paint, more effective front bumper and premium shock package available in the Limited package.

And I’m thankful it’s Friday, Jan. 9, 2015.


*Special thanks to Charles Plueddeman for taking (and sending) me a photo of his car.



  1. My advice Don’t: crash into any walls; drive thuogrh any speed cameras (while speeding ever so slightly); knock anyone over; run a red light; or try and turn the car by sticking your hand out of the window.Hope that helps.


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