Check out this really cool story in the forum from Tom Rowland, who was very involved with the purchase and transport of the old Team Arctic Race Trailer to the Snowmobile Hall of Fame in St. Germain, Wis.
Historic Team Arctic Trailer to SHOF
Nice story Tom. Glad you were the one to pull the trailer there. Iwas going to call Lorren and donate a truck too.
Sweet story Tom. That would have been a fun road trip. Whats it look like inside? I think Earl Reimer was racing out of this trailer a handful of years ago….kidding, kidding, kidding.
If it was in Ironwood, I probably saw it. I don’t think I missed a race that was in Ironwood during the ’70’s. Elsner, Coltom, Lofton, Thompson, Dimmerman, Porter just a few names that come to mind. Wrenches in the hands of Durmont Wahl and Duane Gram. I know I am missing a lot of names but these come to mind. How about the KING KAT remember that one!!!
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Should have studied the trail dictrepsion more closely. My friends and I took the obvious and main 4 4 trail and missed the old overgrown trail. Just the same we had great views down the Santa Ana valley. [url=]htjfdh[/url] [link=]zigotjxeket[/link]