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HomeFeaturesTGIF: The Aug. 29, 2014 Edition

TGIF: The Aug. 29, 2014 Edition

TGIF: The vintage Arctic Cat Arcticwear group.

I’m thankful we can get together with like-minded friends, far away from the watchful eyes of PETA.

I’m thankful NOBODY LAUGHED when we introduced the new Arcticwear Collection

I’m thankful the absurdity of moon boots is still a few years away.

And I’m thankful it’s Friday, Aug. 29, 2014.

(Have a great Labor Day weekend.)



  1. John, I say this with all seriousness. I am pretty sure the model second from the right is Nick Nolte. I found this same Arcticwear brochure in 2002 after seeing the “E” True Hollywood Story about him and noticed the resemblance to photos of his younger days. I did a little research and found that he had modeled in the late 60’s and early 70’s out of the Minneapolis area. I also saw Tim Berg in Syracuse at the Big East Snow Show that year and asked what he knew. He remembered Arctic hiring a big ad agency around that time (I think around 71′ to 73′). I’ve been searching for this brochure for several years to send to you however, I believe an angry ex chucked it knowing I actually valued it. I wish I was creative enough to make something like this up.

  2. Brian: I swiped this photo from the Oct. 1971 issue of Sno-mobile Times magazine, in which appeared amongst several other corny shots. I’m guessing that the image was supplied to the magazine from Arctic Cat’s ad agency at the time, but I don’t know for sure. It would be funny if it was Nick Nolte. Even more funny if it was Gary Busey.

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