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HomeFeaturesTGIF: The Dec. 20, 2013 Edition

TGIF: The Dec. 20, 2013 Edition

TGIF: snowmobiling naked in Sweden

(NOTE: You need to READ THIS for today’s TGIF to make sense)

I’m thankful for the great experiences during my recent trip to Sweden.

I’m thankful the hotel in Farsnas didn’t charge me extra for the bed sheet that got tangled in the track.

I’m thankful the guy was fumbling with his camera phone on my approach.

And I’m thankful it’s Friday, Dec. 20, 2013.



  1. I’m with nascarmike above… thankful for orange stars !!! Maybe this is the way they use “out houses” … go take a dump on the “POO” sleds ….. Just saying, the name fits……

  2. Twitter: Maybe it would help you if you didn’t look at things as diet foods . When you want to eat snetohmig (which you should do often, like every 2-3 hours), think to yourself what benefit am I getting from this? So instead of thinking of things you CAN’T eat b/c you’re trying to firm up, try thinking of what you CAN eat to help you. What you do eat is much more important that what you don’t eat. And the little things do add up. For example try a small handful of nuts, but remember to get them without salt. No need for that extra sodium. And drink TONS of water. I know it sounds very cliche, but once you get into a habit of really staying hydrated, you realize how much better you feel. Oh, and fresh, raw veggies are great. Just remember, the more natural a food is, and the less processed, the better it is for you. Good luck friend![] Reply:June 16th, 2012 at 8:24 amTwitter: Hi , Thanks for the comment, I’m a bit puzzled by some of your comments. I don’t look at certain foods as diet foods and I’m not trying to lose weight. I’m fit, active, and in better shape now than when I was younger. I was in great shape then too, I just never stopped exercising.Even when I ate out of habit, I was never overweight, but that had a lot to do with the food choices I made, and I’m also active physically.A healthy diet and exercise has a much better benefit than any quick fix that some people will claim. I’m a whole foods vegan, so I eat as close to the natural source as possible, but occasionally I do take a break from cooked meals and supplement my day with appropriate juices. Opal recently posted..[]

  3. Twitter: Maybe it would help you if you didn’t look at things as diet foods . When you want to eat snetohmig (which you should do often, like every 2-3 hours), think to yourself what benefit am I getting from this? So instead of thinking of things you CAN’T eat b/c you’re trying to firm up, try thinking of what you CAN eat to help you. What you do eat is much more important that what you don’t eat. And the little things do add up. For example try a small handful of nuts, but remember to get them without salt. No need for that extra sodium. And drink TONS of water. I know it sounds very cliche, but once you get into a habit of really staying hydrated, you realize how much better you feel. Oh, and fresh, raw veggies are great. Just remember, the more natural a food is, and the less processed, the better it is for you. Good luck friend![] Reply:June 16th, 2012 at 8:24 amTwitter: Hi , Thanks for the comment, I’m a bit puzzled by some of your comments. I don’t look at certain foods as diet foods and I’m not trying to lose weight. I’m fit, active, and in better shape now than when I was younger. I was in great shape then too, I just never stopped exercising.Even when I ate out of habit, I was never overweight, but that had a lot to do with the food choices I made, and I’m also active physically.A healthy diet and exercise has a much better benefit than any quick fix that some people will claim. I’m a whole foods vegan, so I eat as close to the natural source as possible, but occasionally I do take a break from cooked meals and supplement my day with appropriate juices. Opal recently posted..[]

  4. Twitter: Maybe it would help you if you didn’t look at things as diet foods . When you want to eat snetohmig (which you should do often, like every 2-3 hours), think to yourself what benefit am I getting from this? So instead of thinking of things you CAN’T eat b/c you’re trying to firm up, try thinking of what you CAN eat to help you. What you do eat is much more important that what you don’t eat. And the little things do add up. For example try a small handful of nuts, but remember to get them without salt. No need for that extra sodium. And drink TONS of water. I know it sounds very cliche, but once you get into a habit of really staying hydrated, you realize how much better you feel. Oh, and fresh, raw veggies are great. Just remember, the more natural a food is, and the less processed, the better it is for you. Good luck friend![] Reply:June 16th, 2012 at 8:24 amTwitter: Hi , Thanks for the comment, I’m a bit puzzled by some of your comments. I don’t look at certain foods as diet foods and I’m not trying to lose weight. I’m fit, active, and in better shape now than when I was younger. I was in great shape then too, I just never stopped exercising.Even when I ate out of habit, I was never overweight, but that had a lot to do with the food choices I made, and I’m also active physically.A healthy diet and exercise has a much better benefit than any quick fix that some people will claim. I’m a whole foods vegan, so I eat as close to the natural source as possible, but occasionally I do take a break from cooked meals and supplement my day with appropriate juices. Opal recently posted..[]

  5. People with Crohn’s disease often eipcrxenee a decrease in appetite, which can affect their ability to receive the daily nutrition needed for good health and healing. In addition, Crohn’s disease is associated with diarrhea and poor absorption of necessary nutrients. No special diet has been proven effective for preventing or treating Crohn’s disease, but it is very important that people who have Crohn’s disease follow a nutritious diet and avoid any foods that seem to worsen symptoms. There are no consistent dietary rules to follow that will improve a person’s symptoms. [url=]rmxokqa[/url] [link=]lmptikh[/link]

  6. People with Crohn’s disease often eipcrxenee a decrease in appetite, which can affect their ability to receive the daily nutrition needed for good health and healing. In addition, Crohn’s disease is associated with diarrhea and poor absorption of necessary nutrients. No special diet has been proven effective for preventing or treating Crohn’s disease, but it is very important that people who have Crohn’s disease follow a nutritious diet and avoid any foods that seem to worsen symptoms. There are no consistent dietary rules to follow that will improve a person’s symptoms. [url=]rmxokqa[/url] [link=]lmptikh[/link]

  7. People with Crohn’s disease often eipcrxenee a decrease in appetite, which can affect their ability to receive the daily nutrition needed for good health and healing. In addition, Crohn’s disease is associated with diarrhea and poor absorption of necessary nutrients. No special diet has been proven effective for preventing or treating Crohn’s disease, but it is very important that people who have Crohn’s disease follow a nutritious diet and avoid any foods that seem to worsen symptoms. There are no consistent dietary rules to follow that will improve a person’s symptoms. [url=]rmxokqa[/url] [link=]lmptikh[/link]

  8. Most foods are ok during prcenangy. Your body is an amazing machine and can easily convert your food to give your baby the right things. Obviously stay away from alcohol. Coffee is a grey area no more than one cup a day. Limit fats and dont eat certain types of seafood (listed in the article below). Dont eat any kind of raw meat (aka sushi). Avoid soft cheeses such as feta, Brie, Camembert, blue-veined, and Mexican-style cheese. These cheeses are often unpasteurized and may cause Listeria infection. There’s no need to avoid hard cheese, processed cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese, or yogurt. Was this answer helpful?

  9. Most foods are ok during prcenangy. Your body is an amazing machine and can easily convert your food to give your baby the right things. Obviously stay away from alcohol. Coffee is a grey area no more than one cup a day. Limit fats and dont eat certain types of seafood (listed in the article below). Dont eat any kind of raw meat (aka sushi). Avoid soft cheeses such as feta, Brie, Camembert, blue-veined, and Mexican-style cheese. These cheeses are often unpasteurized and may cause Listeria infection. There’s no need to avoid hard cheese, processed cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese, or yogurt. Was this answer helpful?

  10. Most foods are ok during prcenangy. Your body is an amazing machine and can easily convert your food to give your baby the right things. Obviously stay away from alcohol. Coffee is a grey area no more than one cup a day. Limit fats and dont eat certain types of seafood (listed in the article below). Dont eat any kind of raw meat (aka sushi). Avoid soft cheeses such as feta, Brie, Camembert, blue-veined, and Mexican-style cheese. These cheeses are often unpasteurized and may cause Listeria infection. There’s no need to avoid hard cheese, processed cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese, or yogurt. Was this answer helpful?

  11. you should not try to lose wehgit through laxatives. You should balance ur income of calories food with ur spending activity.I have lost 50 pounds in the past 8 months this how. I eat three meals daily , before each meal , I eat very large amounts 3 to 4 pounds of veggies fruits. When I set for the real meal afterwards , I cannot each much.Of course , I also avoid fats sugary stuff.and I limit my carbohydrates intake. The key for success , fill up on veggies fruits. [url=]rqobjicczpa[/url] [link=]ddskptndap[/link]

  12. you should not try to lose wehgit through laxatives. You should balance ur income of calories food with ur spending activity.I have lost 50 pounds in the past 8 months this how. I eat three meals daily , before each meal , I eat very large amounts 3 to 4 pounds of veggies fruits. When I set for the real meal afterwards , I cannot each much.Of course , I also avoid fats sugary stuff.and I limit my carbohydrates intake. The key for success , fill up on veggies fruits. [url=]rqobjicczpa[/url] [link=]ddskptndap[/link]

  13. you should not try to lose wehgit through laxatives. You should balance ur income of calories food with ur spending activity.I have lost 50 pounds in the past 8 months this how. I eat three meals daily , before each meal , I eat very large amounts 3 to 4 pounds of veggies fruits. When I set for the real meal afterwards , I cannot each much.Of course , I also avoid fats sugary stuff.and I limit my carbohydrates intake. The key for success , fill up on veggies fruits. [url=]rqobjicczpa[/url] [link=]ddskptndap[/link]

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