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Tucker Hibbert’s 68th Pro Snocross Victory

Check out this sweet video of Tucker Hibbert’s 68th Pro win at the ISOC National Snocross in Shakopee, Minn.



  1. This is really well done…who produces these videos on such a tight deadline? Does Monster pay for this? Notice Tuck on the podium, glancing up at his hand to make sure the Monster can logo is facing the camera. A real pro.

  2. The videos are most awsome! I have talked to Tucker on several occasions the way he interacts with his fans especially the kids,he is a class act for sure.I wish him well the rest of the season and hope to be watching live at elk river.

  3. Tucker’s videos are indeed awesome. They’re a team effort for sure, however John Hanson is guy who does the filming and editing.

    And Tucker IS a class act. He can also be the class clown, which is just as enjoyable.

  4. Your words ring true in so many ways for me, grieving a part of me that had to die. That part, in fact, that isstnied on being in control in order to surrender to something bigger. That part that winces because this comment is probably not grammatically correct. LOL!*sigh* xo, friend![]

  5. Your words ring true in so many ways for me, grieving a part of me that had to die. That part, in fact, that isstnied on being in control in order to surrender to something bigger. That part that winces because this comment is probably not grammatically correct. LOL!*sigh* xo, friend![]

  6. Your words ring true in so many ways for me, grieving a part of me that had to die. That part, in fact, that isstnied on being in control in order to surrender to something bigger. That part that winces because this comment is probably not grammatically correct. LOL!*sigh* xo, friend![]

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  8. I am finding that firinugg out how much to charge for self-employment is among the most difficult parts of the whole process. Being paid for your time and not driving away customers is difficult, since the business I am starting is in tax preparation. The free programs are generally okay, but I find they each seem to have their quirks. The large franchises charge a premium based on their overhead and franchise costs. The do-it-yourself programs are nice, but if the user has a concept error, their only assistance is someone on the other end of a phone, reading from a playbook. [url=]oabujh[/url] [link=]zkmlxv[/link]

  9. I am finding that firinugg out how much to charge for self-employment is among the most difficult parts of the whole process. Being paid for your time and not driving away customers is difficult, since the business I am starting is in tax preparation. The free programs are generally okay, but I find they each seem to have their quirks. The large franchises charge a premium based on their overhead and franchise costs. The do-it-yourself programs are nice, but if the user has a concept error, their only assistance is someone on the other end of a phone, reading from a playbook. [url=]oabujh[/url] [link=]zkmlxv[/link]


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