HomeFeaturesSpy Photo of a New Arctic Cat?

Spy Photo of a New Arctic Cat?

What Arctic Cat might this be?

While on my recent trip to Arctic Cat in Thief River Falls, I snapped a shot of this test rider leaving the factory and riding a covered/disguised sled. The fact that the hood can’t be seen, in concert with the bright green spindles/A-arms and seat pattern, suggest it’s a 2011 model

I know it’s a few weeks before Arctic Cat releases information on its 2011. Anyone care to venture a guess about this sled?



  1. Possibly the new SnoPro type hood coming to fruition on other models. Too much wedge for twin turbo space.
    I’ve never seen a known photographer ,like you, travel without a zoom lense for his camera…….

  2. Looks to be a turbo with a lot of green! That hood cover is
    covering up a green hood….Also, looks to have the green tubulat bumper, too. A photo shoot sled? Come on, the suspense is killing me…..Get a spy photo of the new 2011 Crossfire….

  3. For $100 Alex, I’ll take Z1 Turbo hood with an accessory front bumper = BNG.

    Waiting for the next-gen M…Something actually exciting.

  4. its a cross breed between the f series and the snopro ………..it sports the 800 motor but with the LOOK of the snopro front….it has a slightly redesigned chassis for better handling and is lighter than the f series ………the snopro version will have a version of a cross country suspension and it will be offered in a 128 and longer skid .

  5. M8Stealth, you must have xray vision to see BNG, since you cant even see the hood.
    It definitely isnt the snopro chassis because you can clearly see the A-Arms are not like those of the snopro.
    Looking at the rear of the sled leads me to think new M/Crossfire chassis, but it is based off the twin spar. Hopefully it went on a BIG diet.

  6. Almost all of you guys are crazy. unless there is something different in the fine details, this is no different than a 2010 Z1 Turbo SnoPro. It has the accessory bumper out of the catalog and thats it. The rear end doesnt look like a new machine, it is the SAME as the 2010 F series! Most of you are looking for something that doesnt exist, this sled has a piece of fabric over the BNG! Notice the fox float shocks in the front? it sits low because this thing is HEAVY. old news. give me a ‘B’, give me an ‘N’, give me a ‘G’ haha. seriously though, cant wait to see the new machines. I’d like to see a new fuel system, and possibly a 600 in the snopro.

  7. do explain… I think those are both legit requests. A more fuel and oil friendly 600 than the current offering would be nice (other than a few minor things, there is no difference between the 2010 F6 motor and that of a 2004 F6). And I’m sure Cat can figure out how to fit a 600 with oil injection into the SP chassis. Maybe the answer is to have an engine with the oil injection system in another location on the engine or make it more internal than it is currently?

  8. green_green, Oh, there is a difference between the 04 600 and the 2010 600. The 04 put out 118 HP, the 2010 600 dynoed at or close to 130 HP per the American Snowmobiler shootout. Don’t shoot the messenger..Just reporting what Amsnow published.
    Something is coming. It has to, the 2012 EPA regulations are dictating it. I don’t know if AC has enough 4-stroke credits….

  9. In keeping with Arctic’s horsepower and speed advertising, I’d say a SnoPro type with the 800cc motor to blow away the new Pol@!!$ Edge….just my opinion.

  10. I have personally seen the sno pro 500, SNO PRO 600 XC and the Sno pro 500 720 kit from D&D in action. Alone those sleds do damage.. If cat wants to make a statement all they need is a 600 and the 800 H.O in the sno pro chassis the rest is history.. I have a feeling everything except the 4-strokes and Turbos will be in the new sno pro chassis by 2012.. something similar atleast

  11. I agree with Alex. Twin Spar chassis will be the four stroke trail sled/touring sled. The Sno Pro will be transformed into the rest of the offerings, cross country, snocross, crossover, mountain……With 2012 EPA compliant motors….That are priced better than the competition….. Is that asking for too much?

  12. What a joke! What’s working at an Arctic dealer have to do with it? Heve you seen the new sleds?… NO. Have you ridden the new sleds?…NO. Has your rep told you anything about them?….NO. What makes it a 2011, according to this photo? You have no more insight to what it is , other than speculation, than any of the rest of us.Most of us are simply daydreaming and speculating and you’re stating facts!?. You could very well be right but what you’re saying is just pure speculation…….just my opinion.

  13. Heres another one for you, Im thinking there maybe a computer on board that calculates aerodynamics thats why the hood is shaped edgy like a stealth bomber..

  14. Its a Turbo with the gay tube front bumper, and fabric stretched over to hide the decals. Just take a look you can see its a turbo windshield, and you can see the 2 green tubes heading up and under the fabric

  15. Back in Nov 96 I snapped a pic of a pre 98-99 ZR behind the Cat factory. We were just driving around and I spotted something diff. We also saw that year the protoype ATV’s running around.

  16. It is definately not a turbo. My guess is a cross between the twin spar and the snow pro so they can fit the next generation 600 cc two stroke and the best in class 800 into it. No chance in Hell that is a turbo. Too small!

  17. Upon further review, I’m changing the 2011 Z1 Turbo with BNG prediction to…Are you sitting down?

    2011 F8 Turbo

    Have your cake and eat it too.


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