Why does Tucker Hibbert race only a half-season? How does he feel about equaling Blair Morgan’s record of five X Games gold medals? And what are Tucker’s plans for the coming season? Find out the answers and more in this great interview at SledRacer.com.
Tucker Interview at SledRacer
sure would be fun to see him do some cross country racing!! even just one or two races a year
Thank you! I just had my first precious litlte boy in November 2011. I have finally realized that keeping my apartment meticulously clean like I had it prior to giving birth to my son is not crucial in being the best mom I can be! I had many lovely visitors after my son was born, however, secretly I wished a friend or family member would have helped me to tidy up a bit rather than my sleep deprived body staying up til all hours of the night to make sure that my apartment was up to my crazy standards. []Zen Mommy Reply:October 22nd, 2012 at 4:06 pmCongrats Tara! What a fabulous realization you share here. I still feel the pressure towards perfect unsettled with clutter all around but just saying it aloud helps me get a grip and to remember what really matters. Thank you for adding your voice to this place so that others might remember as well. xo hugs[]
Thank you! I just had my first precious litlte boy in November 2011. I have finally realized that keeping my apartment meticulously clean like I had it prior to giving birth to my son is not crucial in being the best mom I can be! I had many lovely visitors after my son was born, however, secretly I wished a friend or family member would have helped me to tidy up a bit rather than my sleep deprived body staying up til all hours of the night to make sure that my apartment was up to my crazy standards. []Zen Mommy Reply:October 22nd, 2012 at 4:06 pmCongrats Tara! What a fabulous realization you share here. I still feel the pressure towards perfect unsettled with clutter all around but just saying it aloud helps me get a grip and to remember what really matters. Thank you for adding your voice to this place so that others might remember as well. xo hugs[]